
I started posting on substack about oil by creating and using the stats for Total Purchasable Oil in order to try and clarify what the export land model means for the citizens of the importing countries. Stunning what Saudi just announced.

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There is an element to peak oil that is nearly always left out of the analysis, it was called Export Land Model ( ELM ).

The basic concept is that as a producing nation becomes enriched from exporting they consume more and more of their own production. This was a revelation at the time because everyone was just looking primarily at production and domestic consumption was not showing up there. This obviously speeds up peak oil. At the time I pointed out that this applied to non FF producing countries too who were developing and growing their economies and increasing their energy consumption accordingly. It applies to every one of the worlds finite natural resources and I include human labor in that too.

Then it became clear that what was being described was the motive behind US foreign policy over the last 100 years or so and we should be careful how we go about talking about this.

I have spent the last 15 years or so researching this and it is clear that the US and its minions have successfully suppressed growth through several dozen mechanisms for over 80% of the population of the planet. This has been a very bloody and destructive process and it is still ongoing. I usually refer to it as Demand Destruction and I fully agree with you that it is going on in the developed world too.

It is important to understand this in context with the current geopolitical crisis such as Ukraine, Russia, China, the Middle East, Eurasia, etc. The US has everything to lose if it does not come out on top again this time and I mean everything.

Would love to talk more.

Cheers! jef

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